Festival della Salute: conference on self-sufficiency supported by Kedrion

Kedrion gave a concrete contribution to the conference “Come raggiungere l’autosufficienza in farmaci plasmaderivati: un nuovo paradigma per la raccolta” (How to achieve self-sufficiency in plasma-derived products: a new paradigm for collection) that took place on Sunday 28th September in the Sala Tobino of Centro Congressi Principe di Piemonte in Viareggio, as part of the VII Festival della Salute or Health Festival.
“For the first time in at least a decade – Danilo Medica, Italy Country Manager at Kedrion, explained –, the collection of plasma for the manufacture of plasma-derived products seems to be decreasing. So, all components need to be coordinated to find a new paradigm for collection and to reflect on what should be done to make the System self-sufficient”.
Opened and chaired by Daniela Scaramuccia, Principal Value Partners, the meeting brought together all the stakeholders of the Italian Blood System: they included Luigi Marroni, Regional Health Councillor, Hon. Federico Gelli, Senator Manuela Granaiola, Giuliano Grazzini, Director of CNS (National Blood Centre), Aldo Ozino Calligaris, coordinator of CIVIS (Association of Volunteer Blood Donors), Claudio Giustozzi, National Secretary of the “Dossetti” Association, and Turin-born neurologist Dario Cocito. The discussion focussed on strategies to cope with the deadline for accreditation of the Italian transfusion centres according to European rules, which is 31st December 2014, and the promotion of direct plasma donation, which currently accounts for 25% of total collection, while the rest of the plasma is extracted as a by-product of whole blood.
“As industrial partners of the Italian Blood System, we chose to support this event to give our contribution and boost a constructive exchange of views and a strategic reflection about self-sufficiency. A goal that we share with the Italian Blood System – Medica concluded –, in the attempt to adequately meet the national demand for plasma-derived products for the treatment of rare diseases, an area that is crucial to the health of our country”.

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