Kedrion, a biopharmaceutical company specialised in the development, production and distribution of plasma-derived products, has been involved in the organisation of a workshop called “The Italian Blood System, towards self-sufficiency in plasma-derived products”, due to take place in the Sala dell’Annunziata of the Cloister of St Augustine in Pietrasanta, on Sunday, September 29th, as part of the 2013 Festival della Salute, the Health Festival.
The conference focuses on the Italian Blood System, which means the full range of transfusion operations that rely on the voluntary, anonymous and unpaid donations of over 1,700,000 donors.
The subject of the conference, which will be attended by the main players of the Italian Blood System (donors, professionals of the sector, institutions and national political leaders), is extremely topical right now. It will actually address the change that the Blood System is going through to comply with the organisational, structural and technological requirements laid down by Europe, and a review of the criticalities and opportunities that this might imply.
Opened and chaired by Daniela Scaramuccia, Principal Value Partners and member of the Public Commission for the Healthcare Reform of Regione Lombardia, the workshop consists of three sessions. The first two sessions will deal with the reorganisation and improvement of the efficiency of the network of blood collection centres, with the first one focussed on the role of donors’ associations, the second one about the experiences of innovation in the health system, while the third session is called “Towards the 2014 deadline, the challenges for the Health System”.
“We chose to support this workshop – Danilo Medica, Italy Country Manager at Kedrion, stated – because, as the industrial partners of the Italian Blood System, we want to give our contribution at this delicate moment of change, so that the main players may interact with each other in the most fruitful way”. “With the Italian Blood System – Medica concluded –, we share a key goal: fulfilling the proper national requirement for plasma-derived products for the treatment of rare diseases, an area that is crucial to our country’s health”.
Set up in 2001 to respond to the country’s requirements, Kedrion is an Italian company that has successfully brought together all the experiences in plasma-derived products, while making the most of the professional skills of its managers, researchers and all its staff. The high professional standards of its staff, its dynamism and extensive knowledge of the Italian Blood System have driven the company to become a leader in the Italian marketplace, a partner of the Italian National Health Service, and Italy’s number one company in the area of plasma-derived products.
The Festival della Salute, the Health Festival, will take place in Pietrasanta from September 26th to 29th, 2013. Now in its sixth year, the Festival is the most important popular event about health issues in Italy, and every year it hosts a sort of Health City, offering free screenings, scientific and non-specialist conferences, exhibition areas for companies and associations, and much more.