With significant support from LA Kelley Communications, Kedrion, an Italian biopharmaceutical company specialized in the development, production and distribution of plasma-derived products, has shipped 500,000 International Units of Coagulation Factor IX to Pakistan, as a humanitarian donation. The product is being sent to the Pakistan Hemophilia Patients Welfare Society (PHPWS ) in Rawalpindi thanks to the mediation of LA Kelley Communications, a consulting agency that supports hemophilic patients’ associations worldwide.
Saif-ul-Islam, President of PHPWS, thanked Kedrion for the passion and helpfulness it proved to have by making such a donation. According to Ms Zoraida Rosado, director of Project SHARE, a humanitarian program of LA Kelley Communications, “SHARE donates about $6 million in product donations to developing countries annually. This donation makes Kedrion our largest product donor to date.”
“In partnership with LA Kelley Communications, we have taken up on Pakistan’s request,” Ferdinando Borgese, Kedrion International Marketing Director, explained, “by implementing a project which, as well as having great ethical value, perfectly matches Kedrion’s goals. Therefore, we gave economic and organizational support to provide our products, technology and expertise, so that all those people who suffer from a coagulation disorder may have access to therapies, regardless of where they live”.
Learn more about Project SHARE at www.kelleycom.com
Learn more about the Pakistan Hemophilia Patients Welfare Society at www.pakhpws.org