Kedrion supports Italian liver transplantology

The latest developments and experiences in the field of Italian liver transplantology were the focus of the event entitled “Face-to-face meetings on liver transplantation: comparing opinions,” supported with an unconditional contribution by Kedrion and held on September 17 and 18 at the Hotel Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco Resort & Spa, in Barga, in the province of Lucca, where the company has its headquarters. 

The two-day, ECM-accredited event was organized by Epateam – an educational and networking project dedicated to liver transplantation, which Kedrion has supported since its inception. The event brought together top Italian experts in the field to discuss the main challenges and the most current issues that affect this therapeutic area, particularly in view of the ongoing pandemic.

“Kedrion is proud to have supported this event, which among other things, was the first in-person meeting since the lockdown ended. This two-day event was the ideal opportunity to renew our commitment to Italian liver transplantology, thereby confirming our closeness and our role as a primary partner supporting the medical-scientific world and the patient community.”  
Roberto Tana, Global Marketing Director of Kedrion

Ample space was also reserved for an international session that included the participation in live streaming of a large number of specialists from different countries around the world to discuss the latest scientific evidence on the role of albumin and immunoglobulins in liver transplantation.

“My most sincere thanks to Kedrion for supporting this in-person event, because it is only by meeting side by side – after almost eighteen months of only meeting remotely – that we can really remember and appreciate how important it is to exchange opinions and experiences in person and the many initiatives that can arise from this type of direct and spontaneous interaction.”
Dr. Stefano Fagiuoli, Director U.S.C. Gastroenterology and Transplant Hepatology Unit at the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, Italy

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