Kedrion (Italy) is the only company working in the plasma derivatives industry which is sitting on the organising committee of the EMEA/PDA (Parenteral Drug Association) Joint Conference. The company appointed Claudia Nardini, in charge of Industrial Development and Research for the company and deputy president of the Italian chapter of the PDA, as its delegate; she will also chair the “Dedicated Facilities” session of the Conference.
The meeting, due to take place in Budapest, Hungary, on February 20th and 21st, will review the state of the art and potential developments of the “European GMP”, through a confrontation with the regulatory authorities and the industry.
Taking inspiration from the past experience of its US counterpart (PDA/FDA Joint conference), the European Conference seems also be following its fast accreditation process with the opinion leaders, as it has actually grown from about 180 members in 2007, the year of the first conference, to about 400 this year