Kedrion embarks on its second technology transfer to Russia following the one in Kirov, by signing an agreement in Moscow for the development of a plasma-derivatives production plant to the highest international quality, safety and efficiency standards.
The agreement signed between Kedrion, the Dutch company BTI and the Moscow Government covers both the engineering operations (to be provided by the Israeli company Alishech), and the construction and start-up of the production plant that will become an operational part of the Blood Transfusion Station of Moscow, a State Institute of public utility of the Russian Government with a production capacity of 100,000 litres of plasma a year, which can be increased to 200,000 litres and which will produce the main plasma-derived products: Factor VIII, Factor IX, Immunoglobulin and Albumin.
"The successful start, during this past year, of the building of the first Russian site in Kirov made with Kedrion’s processing know-how – highlights Abramo Brandi, General Manager of Kedrion – encouraged us to invest more in technology transfer, especially in those countries that wish to adapt their quality standards to international ones».
«Kedrion’s contribution in terms of skills consists – concludes Abramo Brandi – in transferring our processing technology, in conducting process validations, in monitoring production start-up, and implementing a one-year training scheme".