Vicenza hosted the workshop “The Blood System in Italy: Criticalities and Resources in the Treatment of Haemophilia”, organised by professor Francesco Rodegherio, Director of Cellular Therapies and Haematology at Ospedale San Bortolo of Vicenza, with Kedrion’s educational support.
The workshop was attended by clinicians (Haemophilia Centres, Regional Blood Centres, Transfusion Centres, National Blood Centre), pharmacists, donors’ associations, haemophilia and coagulopathy patients’ associations and authorities. The purpose was to dedicate a whole day on the Italian Blood System, focussing on FVIII and finding criticalities and resources in the treatment of haemophilia, in the effort to provide increasingly efficient health-care services.
This was actually the main focus of the presentations of professor Mario Eandi, full professor of Clinical Pharmacology at Turin University, and Dr Lorenzo Pradelli of AdRes Health Economics & Outcomes Research, which aimed to describe the development and application of the pharmacological-economic discrete-event simulation model (DES) in the treatment of haemophilia.
The workshop gave lots of space to a session called “The role of volunteering, the patients’ expectations, institutional responses”, preceded and introduced by a set sequence of presentations, including one by Claudia Nardini, Kedrion’s Product Development Director, who emphasised the industry’s strategic role in the Italian Blood System.