Kedrion among the key players of Farmindustria’s roadshow in Siena

Biopharmaceutical company Kedrion Biopharma, the Lucca-based leader in the production of plasma-derived therapies, was one of the key players of the second stopover in Tuscany of Farmindustria’s roadshow “Innovation and Creation of Added-Value. The pharmaceutical industry: a legacy that Italy cannot lose”. The event took place at GSK Vaccines Italy production site in Rosia (Siena) on November 6. GSK was also presented during the initiative. Farmindustria is the association of pharmaceutical companies operating in Italy.

The roadshow kicked off from Tuscany in 2012 and has now returned to the Region after stopovers in Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Lazio, Puglia, Abruzzo and Marche. A focus on pharmaceutical excellence in Tuscany, a true point of strength for the economy of the Region where the pharma industry counts 10,400 employees (6,200 direct employees, of which 1,100 researchers, and 4,200 in related), exports of 1 billion euro per year and investments in R&D for 250 million Euro. In Italy, Tuscany ranks third for number of employees and investments in R&D.

"Years ago, Kedrion Biopharma took up the challenge set by the Regione Tuscana of creating a Tuscan Pharma Valley that could attract and retain investments”, stated Paolo Marcucci, Kedrion’s President and CEO. “The 150 million Euro invested in the Region by our company over the last 10 years testify our commitment, and especially the investments we have made in building a new plant in Castelvecchio Pascoli, in the province of Lucca, whose construction is currently at an advanced stage and, once operating at full capacity, will create approximately 100 new jobs”.

The Deputy Editor of the Italian newspaper Il Giornale, Nicola Porro, moderated the panel discussion with participants the Regional Councilperson Stefania Saccardi, the President of Farmindustria Massimo Scaccabarozzi, representatives of local and Regional authorities, experts from the University and Research world. Debated topics included health policy, the current legal framework and the necessary reform measures requested by the pharma industry.

“What we need are firm and certain deadlines for Italian Regulatory and Control authorities as well as a revision of the law regulating minimum essential changes, which would prevent the early obsolescence of plants and facilities”, stated Danilo Medica, Kedrion Italy Country Manager. “Conquering additional market share in pharmaceutical production is subject to a suitable level of competitiveness of our companies. Kedrion is fully available to cooperate with the authorities in the field, and with local and national institutions, to ensure conditions that will make it possible to continue competing in an increasingly global market”, concluded Medica.

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