Kedrion confirms its commitment in supporting the Fondazione Paracelso’s efforts to expand access to hemophilia treatment in Afghanistan. This country has been ravaged by more than thirty years of war; and the consequences in terms of assistance and treatment of chronic diseases are self-evident.
In this context, last August, Kedrion sponsored a shipment of factor VIII and factor IX units made available respectively by the Fondazione Paracelsus of Milan and the CRS of Friuli Venezia Giulia to Kabul.
This fruitful collaboration between different organizations is one of many ways Kedrion supports the diagnostic and treatment activities of the only specialized structure in the whole of Afghanistan, Kabul Hemophilia Center, which is constantly increasing the number of patients it serves.
This humanitarian aid program was developed in 2009 by the Fondazione Paracelso with the contributions from a number of public and private bodies and institutions, including Kedrion. Three years later the newly formed Afghan Hemophilia Association was admitted to the World Federation of Hemophilia, the only international body in the field of hemophilia. Thanks to the work carried out over the years, the Afghan Hemophilia Patient Association has also grown in size and scope. The national association of patients with hemophilia plays a pivotal role in raising public awareness of hemophilia in Afghanistan.
Founded in 2004, Fondazione Paracelso leads projects in Italy and abroad to assist patients and families with their health and social needs, supporting dedicated local Centers and increasing hemophilia awareness among the general public. International humanitarian aid projects, developed in collaboration with companies, institutions and non-profit organizations, are conducted in accordance with the Fondazione Paracelso’s statutory mission and ethical commitment. Read more at